Wool Carpet Yarn

Wool Carpet Yarn

Wool carpet is one of the most popularly chosen types of carpet for homes today for many reasons. There are benefits that you receive when you install wool carpet that you do not get with any other materials. Wool carpet yarn is a very soft and luxurious product and makes your home much more comfortable. In addition, wool is a naturally insulating product which can help you to save money on your heating and cooling bills because it gives you an added layer of insulation in every room where it is installed.

Environmental Benefits

The environmental benefits of wool carpet yarn are much higher than any other carpet material available today. Wool is biodegradable. In addition, it is a naturally renewable resource. Wool is taken from sheep and once it has been sheared off, it begins to grow again. Sheep are sheared each year to gather wool and every year the sheep once again grow wool to be sheared. This means that no matter how much wool carpet is manufactured, wool will always be readily available. Wool is also naturally hypoallergenic so those with allergies will find it the perfect choice.

Cost Benefits

Although wool carpet yarn costs a bit more than other materials, those costs are more than justified when you consider the various benefits. Wool carpet is more durable than all other carpeting materials. While other carpets may last for five to ten years, wool can last up to twice as long. This means that you will actually save money by not having to replace your carpet as often. In addition, wool is very stain resistant so while other carpets will need to be replaced due to unsightly stains and spots, wool carpet yarn will not.

Cleaning Wool Carpet

Wool carpet yarn is resistant to dirt and soil as well as a number of other allergens and dust mites. This means that a routine vacuuming once a week or so is all that it takes to keep your wool carpet looking beautiful for many years. The fibers will not retain soil or dirt. Once you have vacuumed them they will once again look new and fresh. This in itself is a benefit for many as their carpets always look as if they have just been installed. Spot and stain cleaning is also very easy as wool carpet yarn tends to resist moisture as well as many stains. You simply have to blot at spills with a paper towel or another clean cloth to remove the liquid. Most liquid spills come up completely without the need for spot cleaning.

Overall Cost

Wool carpet yarn is more expensive than other materials. On average, wool carpet costs anywhere from $5 to more than $20 per square foot depending on where you purchase it and the specific brand and type of wool carpet that you buy. You can save a bit of money by taking the time to compare different manufacturers and retailers to find the lowest possible price as well as a wider range of color and design choices.

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