Cleaning Wool Carpet

Cleaning Wool Carpet

Part of maintaining wool carpets and keeping them looking beautiful lies in the cleaning. While cleaning wool carpet is not at all difficult, it is very important if you want them to look new for several years. Wool carpets are very durable and are naturally hypoallergenic. They offer a number of benefits over recycled or synthetic fibers and come in a wide variety of designs and colors. They are the perfect choice for any room in the home and again, cleaning them will keep them looking fresh for years.

Cleaning Considerations

Specific methods for carpet will depend on the specific type of carpet that you have. You should keep in mind that wool has a higher moisture retention than other carpet materials so it is very important that you do not over wet it. This can cause shrinking. Consider a wool sweater that has been washed and then run through the dryer. Wool, as beneficial as it is in a number of ways, can shrink so care is needed when cleaning to ensure that you do not apply too much moisture. Also consider that most carpet cleaning solutions today are designed for synthetic fibers. They are simply not safe for cleaning wool carpet. Solutions that contain bleaching or brightening agents can damage the fibers in wool carpeting and should be avoided.

Regular Cleaning

In order to keep your carpet looking new for a longer period of time, it is important that you vacuum regularly to remove dirt and debris that can build up on the wool fibers. Soil can easily be vacuumed from wool carpet, another advantage that it has over synthetic fibers. Rotating brush type vacuums are generally best for cleaning wool carpet. Simply vacuum your carpets once or twice each week, ensuring that you remove any furnishings in the way and getting all of the embedded dirt and soil from the carpet. You can vacuum daily if you wish as wool carpet is very durable and can stand up to routine cleaning. The floor setting should be set on high carpet so that it just brushes the top of the carpeting.

Cleaning Solutions for Wool Carpet

There may be times when cleaning solutions are needed to properly remove stains and dirt. Be sure that you are not cleaning wool carpet with anything that could damage the fibers. Woolite is a good choice as it is completely safe for use on wool. You can mix this detergent with some warm water in a spray bottle and use it for spot treatments or simply run it through a carpet shampooer for heavy cleaning. There are other cleaning agents available that are designed for wool carpets. Be sure that your cleaning solution does not contain any dye or bleach and that it has a pH value that is very close to neutral.

Keeping your wool carpets clean will not be difficult provided you take an hour or so each week to remove dirt and debris and immediately clean up any spills, particularly those that can stain heavily such as coffee, grape juice and red wines.

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