Wool Carpet

Wool Carpet

The history of wool carpet dates back approximately 8,000 years when the first sheep were sheared to create products from wool. Rugs and smaller carpets were created in order to provide warmth and comfort. Wool today is a very popular choice in carpets for a number of reasons. Although wool carpet tends to be a bit more expensive than synthetic fibers and other carpet materials, the benefits well outweigh the added cost.

Benefits of Wool Carpet

Wool carpet is hypoallergenic, easy to clean and maintain and much more durable than most other materials on the market today. It provides an added layer of insulation helping to keep energy costs down during the summer and winter months. In addition, wool is a naturally occurring product which means that it is environmentally friendly. There are no pesticides or chemicals found in wool carpet fibers and because it is a renewable resource, it will not deplete as other materials tend to do. Although synthetic fibers do tend to be less expensive, they are often filled with various chemicals that can be dangerous to your health and they simply do not last as long as wool. Wool carpet is very durable, resistant to stains and soil and will last for decades when properly cared for.

Cleaning and Maintaining Wool Carpet

Cleaning wool carpet is as simple as regularly vacuuming. Simply run your vacuum cleaner over the carpet once a week or so and it will retain its beauty and durability. Because it is naturally more flexible than other materials, you will never notice crushed spots where furniture has been place or track marks in high traffic areas. It resists moisture well so spills are easily cleaned. You simply have to dab or blot the spill with a dry cloth or paper towel to remove it. Stains that have dried in can be easily removed with a damp cloth and a bit of cleaner designed for use on wool fabrics.

Wool Carpet Popularity

Most consumers today who choose to purchase wool carpet do so because of allergies or simply to protect the environment. Synthetics contain chemicals, mostly used to treat the fibers and make them resistant to stains. These chemicals can be very harmful to the atmosphere as well as the people who may breathe them in. natural wool carpet will not contain any chemicals, even when dyed specific colors. Natural dyeing compounds are used on wool which again, makes them much safer than synthetic fibers. Wool is much less likely to harbor soil and dust mites which can trigger allergies. Wool has a naturally stain resistant property known as lanolin which helps it to repel virtually any stain and it is biodegradable, another plus for those looking to protect the environment. Although wool carpet is a bit more expensive than synthetics, it is well worth the additional cost in terms of the benefits as well as the durability and longevity of wool. When properly cared for, wool carpet can last in your home for decades as opposed to synthetics that may need replacing after only a few years.

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